Back in June 2014, I graduated at SiNTLUCAS as a media/graphic designer. Two years after graduating at SiNTLUCAS, I also obtained my Bachelor degree in graphic designing at Luca School of Arts. Right after obtaining my Bachelor degree, I started working full-time as a junior art director at publishing house Pelican Media. Since August 2018 I have been working full-time as a interior designer and supervision at Stock Dutch Design in Overveen.

Next to my passion for graphic and interior designing, I strive to make beautiful pictures. I graduated at the Fotovakschool in Amsterdam in March 2020. With a graphic design background I always look at life through a lens with an aesthetic look. I love working and connecting with people and I am always open to new collaborations.

Interested in more information? Feel free to contact me via

Kind regards,

Djulita Hoeks

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